Friday, September 26, 2008

Belly picture time!!

So I am at 22 weeks and I have my first belly pic:

She is kicking like crazy and being very picky about the food she gets...I claim she prefers candy, but I would be wrong! :)

Also....Gary and I signed the lease on our apartment today! I am excited because it is the one we wanted, but didn't think we were going to get it because they had rented the one out. Luckily, another opened, and we are now officially on a lease!
We move in October 10th!!

I have been siting in the hotel room watching tv and scrapbooking. Getting some good stuff done, so that is nice.

back to playing...more later!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Thank goodness that today is the start to the weekend!!
I know it was a short week with the holiday and all, but this week kicked my behind!!
Today, I treated myself to an expensive day at Mario Tricoci and it was so worth every penny!
I got an eyebrow wax, highlights, and haircut. This is the 2nd best haircut I have ever gotten!! the highlights are the kicker because as a whole it is freakin' least in my eyes..LOL!!

Here is a pic:

I am in Michigan this weekend hoping that we can find an apartment. So far there are so many awesome possibilities, so we shall see!

Otherwise, nothing big happened this week, work just drained me. But that is always a good thing. It means I am not slacking! LOL.

okie to chill out before the boy gets home!
