Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back in with the P's....

I am officially done moving out of Chicago.
My hips hurt, by back hurts, my feet hurt, and my butt hurts, but I am done!
So, I am staying with my parents while I am in town, and seeing as I will be working in Chicago for this week I will be here all week!
It is actually kinda nice being able to hang out with my mom and my stepdad a bit.
My mom even set up a little scrapbooking desk for me!!
I finished a project tonight while I had time to sit and play:

This is a picture of my grandpa holding me when I was itty bitty. I cut little strips of paper and created the frame...kinda annoying, but otherwise fun! I love how it turned out!

anywho, that is about it for now. I am going to finish up online and get some much needed sleep!


Monday, July 7, 2008

Quick Questionaire....

hmmm...I guess I am really trying to catch up for my time off since this would be post #2 today, but the fabulous Holly posted this little questionaire on her blog, and I thought it would be fun!!

drinking: bottled water

listening to: the sounds of the neighborhood since I am working on airflow through the house, and my neighbors are LOUD!

reading: Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin (good stuff!)

relieved about: nausea has subsided...for now

missing: Gary

not digging: The heat without the A/C!

totally.thankful for: um...just about every little thing happening in my life/day/moment!

planning: too much to list!

reliving: all of my meals...over..and over...and over again....really now, morning sickness should be done soon...right?!

daydreaming about: Air Conditioning!

putting off: paying my parking tickets...bad, I know!

finally accomplished: ummm...nothing is really completely accomplished, but plenty of things are started!

scrappin' with: Nothing because I am sitting here posting this!! Must go scrap now!!!

alrighty!! your turn! If you post it on your blog, send me a little note to let me know!


um, yeah, I should update!!!

So, it has been a little while since my last post. Sorry about that!

LOTS of changes going on here...

*The job is going great, still doing a LOT of traveling, but it is still wonderful

*I am moving out of my apartment in Chicago, and putting my stuff into storage while I do all this traveling.....

*but, I am looking at a new place in Michigan because....

no joke, really, I am!!
I can't believe it either!
Little bit of a change huh?!?

I have been dating this guy from Michigan, and well, here we are!
So, things have changed quite a bit!

I am scrapping more now and making more time for myself.
I am also going to try to blog more and keep everyone updated...I will try at least!

I need to get back to work, so I will share more soon!!!