Tuesday, January 29, 2008

well Crap!

sorry for the not so happy title, but that is what the last week has been, a whole lotta crap!
I only have one little scrap goodie to share with you, it was done last Thursday before darts, and it is the last thing that I have had the energy, or the chance to work on--Elsie Challenge #4:

I like how it turned out with the outline of the photo (photo from April/May 07), but the doodle on the K does not make me happy. oh well.

So, the whole week was pretty bogus all in all. I did get my taxes done, and will get a refund, so that is one good thing, but otherwise, I am still working on figuring out the good!

My grandmother had a stroke on Sunday. She is 90, and I know she has had an amazing life thus far, but it so ain't over yet! She is okay, did not lose motor function, just misplaced her brain for a moment, and her BP was way off the charts! they found out that her carotted(sp?) artery is 99% blocked, and they were discussing surgery. because of her age, they want to not do surgery (thank goodness) and just keep an eye on her! So, she is coming home from the hospital today which makes me very happy, and I am going to try to get up there this weekend and spend some quality time.

then come to find out that last Sunday, my mom's cousin Pat had a stroke as well, and is also in the hospital! She is one of the extended family members that I am closest to, so this one caught me completely off guard. She is in Florida, and her son's are there keeping an eye on her. I am sure she will be okay because she is "strong like bull". :)

I am going to stay positive for both of them, but any extra prayers for the fam would be totally appreciated!!!

ta ta for now, and hopefully I will have some scrappy goodness for you later!!!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


okay...after hours of trying, I am finally connected. What a day...It took almost 2 hours to get to work today because of our snow, and we didn't get more than 4 inches! I did get to work on some more ATC's when I got home, and I finally have more pictures to share!

this may be my favorite layout ever! I did it for Truth Or Dare Friday over at SIS, and I just love how it turned out!

the rest of the stuff is just some ATC's and such and none of the pics turned out so we won't be sharing those tonight!

alrighty...off to bed soon...Paschen is supposed to come over tonight since she had to work late and doesn't need to drive all of the way back to Kenosha!!

I am sure I will post tomorrow or so...OMG...sidenote, I am so upset that Heath Ledger is dead! I am just bummed.


Monday, January 21, 2008

I have come to a realization.....

2008 has started off ugly, but it is supposed to be the greatest year yet by every account that I have read, horoscopes, my tarot cards, even the initial reaction to the year is that it was going to be great. So, why has it started off ugly? Here is my realization:
It is not that 2008 is going to be bad, this is just the end of a really crappy 2007 finishing up!

That's right, It is going to be a fantastic year! I am going to do everything that I need to do to make it so. Not only that, but everything happens for a reason. This change is my current situation may be so that we are stronger people so that when we do fix ourselves, we will work better together, or it may be a door opening to a new life. I don't know what the reason is yet, but I will find out soon!

I wish you all a wonderful 2008, and for those of you who have had a rough start so far, keep in mind that it isn't 2008 being mean, it is 2007 finishing off it's BS!

okay...back to work...hoping to have internet connection again tonight so that I might be able to share some of the stuff I worked on last night, but we will see!!


Sunday, January 20, 2008

your internet connection can make or break your weekend...

well, it broke mine anyway!!! I am officially online for the first time at home since Wednesday!!! So, the good thing about that is that I got loads of new stuff done scrap wise, I read two books, and I worked on my bills...I guess it is okay that the internet was off huh?!

here are some of the projects that I worked on:

More Daily cards---here is the one from Saturday 1/19:

My January Trash to treasure blue light special layout:

And my newest card from Sarah's 52 card challenge:

More to do today, I am waiting for a phone call from a friend to possibly go get coffee, but the way these temps are, I may just stay in under the blankets the rest of the day!!!

until later...whenever that may be...


Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh My Goodness!!! --totally Random

yeah, so, I do NOT wake up when I should ever...I am a crab ass every morning...this is only my second morning waking up on my own (Paschen was mt alarm clock), and I woke up at 5:12 am (the alarm hadn't gone off yet!) fed the cats, showered, ate breakfast, made lunch, and was still smiling by 6:15am when I left the house!!!!

All of this on a Friday night after an evening of darts!! Luckily though, darts was short last night because the other team only had 3 players, so I was out of there by 10:30pm and home by 10:35pm. That helped the sleeping situation a little bit! We are officially sucking this season! I won our first and only game of the season last night...we are officially at 1 win and 10 losses...ugh it is ugly!! I play again on my other team on Saturday and I am really hoping that goes a little better!

I have so many scrappy plans for this weekend that I am all giddy to get home and start. I feel as if I haven't been able to play in my room in days! I am just hoping that I will get internet connection again soon at home because being without it at night really bums me out.....

okay...sorry for the totally random thoughts, but thats all I got today!!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Starting Over....

It is now 2008...as a matter of fact, January is half way done already. I thought that this was going to be a great year. I had goals and dreams, Paschen and I had plans. but now, I am starting over. Paschen moved out. we fought, and we fought bad. we are going to start over from scratch...me in my place, and she in hers...It doesn't feel real. My car has been broken down since October, so I had to quick, get it fixed so that I had a way to get around now that I am "single" again. It cost over $1,000!!! My stepmom offered to pay for it. this is a woman that I love dearly, but we have different views on things. she had never accepted any of my girlfriends the way she accepted Paschen. She loved her, and she still does, and she is praying for me and us daily. So, I got to drive my car yesterday...funny, it was October 15th when the car died, and the car was officially fixed on January 15th! exactly 3 months later! I really need to get my s*** together!!

There are bright sides though...I have more time to scrap, I live alone for the first time in 3 years, I have time for me, and no one can yell at me for being on Scrap In Style TV too much!!! :)

I have been doing daily cards this year...every day I do a new ATC to show something about the day...the best part about them is that I am only using the scraps on my table...they have become very dark since Friday, but I am happy with them...here are some of my favorites so far!

January 1st

January 3rd---Oh yeah, that's big news, I quit smoking!! even with all of this mess happening, I haven't smoked at all! I am so proud of myself I cannot even tell you!!

January 4th

January 10th--Yippee, Darts season has started again!!

January 12th--the day after the big fight, and I spent the day sulking with my favorite Wizard!

January 13th

January 15th

I did one for yesterday, I just haven't been able to upload it to my computer yet, but hopefully tomorrow I will update!

Oh, I am also doing a 52 cards challenge with one of my favorite SISters Sarah...check out the blog here...Sarah's rockin' blog...here are the first two that I have done:

#1---this will be my sisters 40th birthday card in 3 years..if I remember..LOL

#2--this is one of my all time favorite things that I have done...ahhh...so proud! :)

so, that is some of the crazy stuff happening here! Hopefully I can keep up with my blog now!

thank you to everyone who has been helping me through this mess...luv you all!!!
