Wednesday, February 27, 2008


What a crazy and exciting day today has been!!!

Let me start by saying CONGRATS to the new SIStv Fashionistas!! It is so exciting to see so many of my fabulous friends on the list!! Makes my heart smile!

Next, let me tell you this.....I have my final interview in Florida on Monday for the National Sales Position for my management company!!! AACK!! I am so freakin' excited. They called me today to ask if I would rather come out Friday or Monday and because of time I chose is the fun flight out is at 5:30 am and I come back in Monday night at 11:30pm...I have a huge sales event here at the hotel on Tuesday, so now, I am going to stay at the hotel Monday night (probably won't get here until close to 2am!) and then be up and at 'em for the sales thing on Tuesday!!!

okay, so...fingers and toes crossed that it goes well!!!

back to work now, just wanted to pop in and share!!


Thursday, February 21, 2008


Oh my freakin' goodness it is so cold! I mean negative temps cold. and then the wind kicks in and you almost pee your pants because it would keep you warm. Okay, sorry, TMI...not that I did, but it was a thought! :)

After yesterday's full moon/lunar eclipse, I am not surprised that today has been one of the oddest days ever! I spent over an hour looking for one of our meeting room guests who "went missing" and drove all over the area looking for her, only to find out that she went to buy a cell phone charger and got lost coming back?!? She had her whole meeting freaking out, and I was in the middle of it. but alas, at least she is okay!

So, still haven't been able to scrapbook, but let me tell you why. I went in there the other night to work, and the radiator is broken! So, it is negative temps in my room! I had slippers and socks on and my feetsies were cold in seconds! I am not even going to attempt to have the landlord fix it, he will only break it again and probably burn the place down!

Oh well, I am taking a mental health day tomorrow, and plan to scrap no matter how cold it is in there!!! I have so many projects to get done, and about a month worth of daily cards to do too!!

I have darts tonight and it is a partial re-match so we have extra games tacked on (part of the reason I took tomorrow off) so I will be out until close to 2am i am sure! And, there are only two girls tonight since the 3rd girls is sick!! Meaning that I am going to be playing a LOT of games!!!

okay...hope to have more scrappy goodness for you tomorrow!!!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The last of it is almost gone....

I am really having a hard time coping with this right now. Paschen moved more of her stuff last night, and the last of it is almost gone. It is the weirdest thing. I just don't understand how there can be so much animosity yet also be so much love. We will always be friends, of that I am sure, but I have to find myself. I didn't even know that I was so lost. This has been good in so many ways though. I have had more control over my finances..okay, I have always been in control of them, but I am finally controlling them in the right ways. I have been so busy with work, and darts though that I haven't had any real alone/me time at the house, so the true test is coming. I am hoping to get in the scrap room tonight and get some of my work done, but we will see.

Here is a great recipe for you if you are a fan of Chipotle's burrito bowls....

*Purdue Southwestern chicken strips
*1 Green Pepper
*1 Red Pepper
*1/2 tsp Garlic salt
*coating of vegetable oil for the pan
*1 cup rice (per two people)
*Toppings (Sour Cream, Cheese, Salsa)

start by cutting the peppers in slices, and popping them into the pan with the veggie oil and the garlic salt. Cook them up for about 3 minutes and then toss in the Chicken strips. Mix it all together and cover for about 5 minutes (7 minutes will start to make your chicken a little crunchy!). I use instant rice, so once I have covered the chicken, I pop my rice (with 1 cup water of course) into the microwave. This is my timer for the chicken too. then, when rice is done, serve it up in some bowls, and put the chicken/pepper mixture on top. I then top with some shredded cheese, sour cream, and salsa, and it is the perfect fajita bowl.

I made this on Sunday for the LWORD dinner and it was a big hit! I don't think I have ever seen my sister eat anything that quickly!!

Oh, and the best part about today....After two weeks of craziness, Mercury is no longer in Retrograde!!! I am actually seeing the difference. Some good, and some bad, but thank goodness that is over because retrograde got me good this time around!

okay...that is it for now...hoping to share some creativity soon!!!


Saturday, February 9, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Hey all,

Well, I am back. I have been so swamped, and out of town too, so I haven't been able to keep up. I haven't scrapped since like the 31st or something, so I have to get that done too! I was asked to train a new sales director in Maryland, so I flew out on Superbowl Sunday, and flew back late Thursday night. Lots of things have been going on within that time though.

Instead of giving you the "play by play" let me just give you the cliff version:

Grandma is okay, and back home
Kickin' butt in darts on Saturday, and then again on Thursday night when I got in from the airport
Paschen and I had a complete and clean break on Sunday. Too much animosity to keep dating right now, so I am officially single
While I was gone, my living room window had a bit of an issue with leakage, so now I have leaking apartment, and a landlord who can't do anything about it
I had a little bit of bank problems while in MD, but amazingly, those are gone
I am getting ready to go play darts in Schaumburg so I have to actually go get ready since I have to be out of the house in an hour, but I will be scrapping all day tomorrow!!

I will update more as I can tomorrow.
