Sunday, October 19, 2008

I need a nap....

I feel like I have been going on 6 cylinders for the last 3 weeks.
Work has been insane. We are currently in our busy reporting season, and I have had to do reports for 8 separate hotels. These reports typically take 2-3 weeks for 1 hotel, and I had to do 8 in that 2-3 week period! It was a bit nutty. I did get some help from some of the hotels, but overall it was all good. I do love doing them, it is just a matter of getting in over my head this year!

So, G and I got our apartment, but haven't moved into it yet because we have no furniture. Once we get a bed, we will move in and work from there, but that really needs to happen fast because I can't take much more of the hotel living! I swear I spend all of my time sitting in bed and working!

The baby belly is getting bigger, and I am gaining weight just fine now (almost too well, but the doctor isn't worried). I found a new doctor here in Michigan, and that has taken that off of my "to Do list".

I am hoping to get some creative juices flowing tonight, so hopefully I will have more layouts and fun stuff to share later this week. We shall see.

okay...back to work...xoxo ~K

1 comment:

TracyP said...

So how are doin Love????? How's Baby?????
Twilight in 2 days!!!