Monday, February 9, 2009

The last 48 hours.....

have been really rough.
Wrigley was running a temp on Saturday and was really fussy all day, so at about 3:30, the doctor came in and ordered some tests to be run, including a spinal tap. I was a mess. Just knowing that my little angel was going to go through any of the pain, and not knowing what the results were going to be.
They took her into NICU at about 4:30 and started the tests. at 5:30, we went in and I fed her before leaving to go home and freshen up. I think one of the hardest parts of that whole experience was the going home and her not being there with us. Gary wouldn't even go into the nursery without her there. We were both so upset and distraught. We got back to NICU at 8:30, and she had already been moved to the pediatric ward which was great.
We have been here since, but the good thing is that the results have all come back with good results, so we should be going home with her today at 4:30!!
she has been feeding very well, and hasn't had a tempurature since Saturday, so we are very hopefull that it was just something minor such as not getting enough food. She was dehydrated, so they gave her some fluids, and they have her on some antibiotics to get rid of any infection that may be there.

So, after everything and all of the scare, she is good, and we are blessed.
Thank you everyone for all of your prayers and good wishes the last two days, we appreciate all of them!

all our love,
Korbyn, Gary, and Wrigley

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