Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh My Goodness!!! --totally Random

yeah, so, I do NOT wake up when I should ever...I am a crab ass every morning...this is only my second morning waking up on my own (Paschen was mt alarm clock), and I woke up at 5:12 am (the alarm hadn't gone off yet!) fed the cats, showered, ate breakfast, made lunch, and was still smiling by 6:15am when I left the house!!!!

All of this on a Friday night after an evening of darts!! Luckily though, darts was short last night because the other team only had 3 players, so I was out of there by 10:30pm and home by 10:35pm. That helped the sleeping situation a little bit! We are officially sucking this season! I won our first and only game of the season last night...we are officially at 1 win and 10 losses...ugh it is ugly!! I play again on my other team on Saturday and I am really hoping that goes a little better!

I have so many scrappy plans for this weekend that I am all giddy to get home and start. I feel as if I haven't been able to play in my room in days! I am just hoping that I will get internet connection again soon at home because being without it at night really bums me out.....

okay...sorry for the totally random thoughts, but thats all I got today!!



Sonja said...

It's funny the little things you remember about yourself when you are no longer in a relationship. It hurts so badly at first, but there is this awakening period, where you're like "oh yeah! That IS what I'm like!" I hope that whatever the new year has to bring you, it will be wonderful stuff...

Just a random thought, for your random post:0)

Cricket said...

sorry the darts isn't going so well this season, but yay on you winning last night!! Have a good weekend with all your scrappy stuff!!


Unknown said...

I am a HUGE bitch in the morning and the kid is too, so to say that mornings are unpleasant in my house would be an understatement!
At least darts is fun, that has to count for something (although it is always nice to win).

Bernadette Merikle said...

lol I am so totally NOT a morning person either. I'll die the day I get a job that requires me to be in at a "real" start time.

Ann(i)e Hafermann said...

good luck with your scrappy weekend...hope things work out for the best with p


china59 said...

Wow ! I don't think I would ever be able to wake up at 5 am !
Sorry about your darts season !