Thursday, January 17, 2008

Starting Over....

It is now a matter of fact, January is half way done already. I thought that this was going to be a great year. I had goals and dreams, Paschen and I had plans. but now, I am starting over. Paschen moved out. we fought, and we fought bad. we are going to start over from in my place, and she in hers...It doesn't feel real. My car has been broken down since October, so I had to quick, get it fixed so that I had a way to get around now that I am "single" again. It cost over $1,000!!! My stepmom offered to pay for it. this is a woman that I love dearly, but we have different views on things. she had never accepted any of my girlfriends the way she accepted Paschen. She loved her, and she still does, and she is praying for me and us daily. So, I got to drive my car yesterday...funny, it was October 15th when the car died, and the car was officially fixed on January 15th! exactly 3 months later! I really need to get my s*** together!!

There are bright sides though...I have more time to scrap, I live alone for the first time in 3 years, I have time for me, and no one can yell at me for being on Scrap In Style TV too much!!! :)

I have been doing daily cards this year...every day I do a new ATC to show something about the day...the best part about them is that I am only using the scraps on my table...they have become very dark since Friday, but I am happy with are some of my favorites so far!

January 1st

January 3rd---Oh yeah, that's big news, I quit smoking!! even with all of this mess happening, I haven't smoked at all! I am so proud of myself I cannot even tell you!!

January 4th

January 10th--Yippee, Darts season has started again!!

January 12th--the day after the big fight, and I spent the day sulking with my favorite Wizard!

January 13th

January 15th

I did one for yesterday, I just haven't been able to upload it to my computer yet, but hopefully tomorrow I will update!

Oh, I am also doing a 52 cards challenge with one of my favorite SISters Sarah...check out the blog here...Sarah's rockin' are the first two that I have done:

#1---this will be my sisters 40th birthday card in 3 years..if I remember..LOL

#2--this is one of my all time favorite things that I have proud! :)

so, that is some of the crazy stuff happening here! Hopefully I can keep up with my blog now!

thank you to everyone who has been helping me through this mess...luv you all!!!



Lori said...

Korbyn, hang in there girl!! I'm sure 2008 has wonderful things in store for you!!!

Lovin' all of your ATC's!!!!

I'm so proud of you for STILL not smoking, even with everything going on!!! Can you pass some of your willpower over to me??

Unknown said...

I hope 2008 has good stuff in store for you :) thanks for dropping by my blog :) Hope your enjoying being back behind the wheel, I would be very lost without my car... well so would the kids becuase we NEED our car (hate saying that lol).
how cool are those ATCs!! Love them

Kristie W. said...

The ATCs are coming out great! Giggling at the card you're going to give your sister in 3 years...should we take bets to see if you will remember? LOL! I surely wouldn't! Glad you got your car back and have fun with the single life! I hope things work out however you want them too. xoxo

Cricket said...

Sending you continued hugs and prayers girlfriend! Since I see your awesome work on SIS you know how much I love it!!

Keep that creativity going!!


Unknown said...

love Kuma's too!!
Glad to hear you are on a new path or working through it, wishing all the best and happiness for 2008.
We should get it together girlie and scrap, if I ever get a free moment. lol

Ramie :-) said...

HUGS girlfriend! You are on a roll, and even with a speed bump or two, you're still moving forward....and that in and of itself is a GOOD thing! Your cards and ATC's are awesome! Way to go girlie! YEAH for not smoking still! Hope its still going well. Holler if you need to chat...I'm around (although not close)!

china59 said...

Splendid ATC's !
I sure hope 2008 has better things in store for you !

Kath W said...

I am so in awe of you...CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on quitting smoking and staying on course thru this rough time.

I'm so sorry that it's been such a rough beginning. Hope the middle & end of the year are much brighter.